Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Ready to Start a New School Year

Welcome to all my new students and families!
The first day of school is Wednesday August 27th.  Our class will have P.E. that day so be sure to wear sneakers.
On Tuesday August 26th you can come to the Open House and visit our classroom.  We are room 103, very easy to find on the first floor.  You can come and find out where your coat hook is, your classroom mailbox and where you will be sitting.  It is also a good time to see old and new friends that will be in your classroom this year.  It is also a time to sign up for Star of the Week and Parent Teacher conferences.
We will spend a lot of time those first few days getting to know each other, the classroom and second grade routines.  We will take plenty of time to learn how we do things in second grade.  Some of it might be just like first grade and some of it will probably be different.  We will go through the routines and have lots of time to practice.
Have a wonderful last few weeks of summer and I look forward to seeing you on the 26th or 27th!

Ms. Swenson

P.S. I cannot figure out how to get rid of the Happy Spring! :)

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